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From the dream of Don Bosco ADMA is born ... 


Why did Don Bosco found ADMA?

To share the grace

Help of Christians-1865-Piazza-Maria-Ausiliatr
Don Bosco recognizes the support of Mary and, amazed by the countless graces that people attributed to Our Lady during the construction of the Basilica, decides to found the Adma.

To spread the faith

Don Bosco feels he must defend the faith of the people, radiating veneration to Jesus in the Eucharist and devotion to the Virgin (the two columns) in the world also through the Adma.

ADMA today

We Christians must unite in these difficult times. Being between
many who do good animates us without realizing it.
ADMA today is an association of lay people who all over the world - faithful to Don Bosco's charism - make their commitment to live their daily lives by imitating Mary and placing themselves as children under her mantle.

What moves us?

You are the light of the world (Mt. 5:14)
This is what moves us!
The desire to be light, to spread grace and to bear witness to what we have experienced: the beauty of entrusting our life to Jesus through Mary.

What do we live?

We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey
and you become saints together!
We follow simple paths of Christian formation, prayer, apostolate and service, with a family style and aimed at all.

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.


Source of life and hope.

We live and spread devotion to the Eucharist and to Mary Help of Christians

We value participation in the liturgical life, in the Eucharist and in reconciliation.

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.


We propose simple paths of Christian formation open to all

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.


Let us try to imitate Mary in living the "daily spirituality".

Let us try to cultivate a Christian environment of welcome and solidarity in the family and in the places of life

«We are all called to holiness, holiness is a journey and we become saints together»!​


This is what moves us!​


The desire to walk together in a family spirit a simple path of formation, prayer, life and apostolate following the steps of Maria​.

Apostolate and service

We practice solicitude for the young and the poorest and most needy families.

We collaborate in the life of the local communities in which we live

We contribute to the Salesian mission in a family spirit

ADMA in the world

Each group in the world interprets its own local reality and "actualizes" fidelity to Don Bosco's charism by living a journey of holiness and simplicity in everyday life.



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Association of devotees

One of the 32 groups of the Salesian family



ADMA regulations

Article 1


Deed of foundation

Don Bosco after having raised to Mary, according to the indications received by her in a dream, the votive shrine dedicated to the Help of Christians (Turin Valdocco 1868) wanted to erect a year later in the Basilica the "Association of the devotees of Mary Help of Christians" (18 April 1869 ) to radiate in the world the devotion to the Virgin invoked under this title.


Regulations of the Divots of Mary Help of Christians written by Don Bosco

  1. In the Church dedicated in Turin to Mary Help of Christians with the authorization of His Exc. Rev. the Archbishop of Turin, an Association of his Divots is canonically established with the aim of promoting the glories of the divine Mother of the Savior in order to deserve her protection in life. and particularly on the verge of death ....


Read more....


Spiritual Animator


Fr. Gabriel De Jesús Cruz Trejo

Fr. Gabriel was born in Mexico on June 17, 1977. He is from January 1, 2024 the new World Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA).


Here is how he introduces himself to the members of the association and to the whole Salesian Family.



Fr. Gabriel, where are your roots, human and Salesian?

I have been a Salesian of Don Bosco since 1997. Ordained priest on June 30, 2006. 


Among my many academic degrees, I hold degrees in philosophy, university education, theology, missionology and theology of religions with a focus on Islam from the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies.


Among the specializations obtained, I recently completed the School of Higher Education in Causes of Saints at the Pontifical Lateran University, promoted in collaboration with the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints.


Within the Society of St. Francis de Sales I have been involved in formation and teaching, as a formator, professor and Rector of formation houses and seminaries.



And how did you come to this position?

First in my homeland and then in Pakistan, I also served as Vice-Postulator in the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Akash Bashir and as Provincial Delegate and Councilor of the Southern Province of the Philippines, until September 1, 2022, the date from which-after being destined for Italy-I collaborate with the Postulator General of the Salesians.

As of January 1, 2024, I was appointed by the Rector Major as Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians - ADMA.

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Turin, TO 10152 - Italy

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