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The popular character of the Salesian charism

The Salesian charism and work are often associated with the world of youth. However, it is important to recognise, along with this fundamental aspect, the popular dimension of the charism which Don Bosco expressed through the foundation of the ADMA, which he promoted for the defence and growth of the faith in the Christian people.

In the Charter of the Charismatic Identity of the Salesian Family we read: “Enlightened from on high, Don Bosco also took an interest in adults, with a preference for the humblest and poorest, for the working classes, the urban underprivileged, the immigrants, the marginalised, for all those who were most in need of material and spiritual help. Faithful to Don Bosco’s orientation, the Salesian Family Groups share this preferential choice. The Association of Mary Help of Christians has included in its new Rules the Salesian apostolate aimed in particular at the working class".

In fact, the commitment of Don Bosco’s Family is addressed to the common people, supporting them in their effort of human promotion and growth in the faith, highlighting and promoting the human and evangelical values of which they are bearers, such as the meaning of life, the hope of a better future, the exercise of solidarity.

Don Bosco valued popular religiosity through a path of education to the faith for the people. In this perspective, Saint Pope Paul VI expresses himself in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi: “Popular religiosity (...) if it is well oriented, especially through a pedagogy of evangelisation, is rich in values.” In particular, it highlights the sense of Providence, with the loving and constant presence of God, inviting to develop the virtues of patience, meekness, openness to others.

Pope Francis has repeatedly recalled that the popular dimension is a genuine form of evangelisation, which must be promoted and valued. “It would be a mistake to believe that those who go on pilgrimage live a spirituality that is not personal but ‘mass’. In reality, the pilgrim brings with him/her his/her own story, his/her own faith, lights and shadows of his/her life. Everyone carries a special desire and prayer in their heart. Whoever enters the shrine immediately feels at home, welcomed, understood and supported”.

In this context, we renew the devotion to Mary Help of Christians in our Salesian Family, as Don Bosco wanted.

Andrea and Maria Adele Damiani

Association of Mary Help of Christians
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